Real Tools for Parenting Anxious Kids

Hi Moms — I'm taking a moment to talk to you. You are juggling the weight of the world right now, as you try to navigate the world we've lived in for the last couple of years. Not only are you trying to manage your own stress and anxiety, but you're trying to care for your kids too. You are both feeling the effects of the last couple of years and their anxiety is impacting both of you.

It's understandable if you feel anxious, ill-equipped, and helpless, as you're not sure how to assist them.  That can lead you to feel burned out like you're running on fumes.

You might feel like you're walking around with a heaviness in your heart or a weary spirit. You might feel like you're not being the parent you know you want to be as you react with the little energy you have.

Regardless of how this is manifesting in your family, one thing is true. As moms, we've been stretched in ways we never imagined, and we're feeling it. The need to fly the white flag is real!

  • Do you feel helpless as a mom?

  • Do you watch your child struggle and feel powerless in how to help them? You'd do anything you can, but you don't know how to fix it.

  • Have you seen their anxiety take over their life and yours?

  • Do you feel burned out and overwhelmed?

The last few years have been overwhelming, and it's hard enough to manage our own anxiety, let alone help our kids manage theirs.

I know some days it seems impossible to keep all the balls in the air, especially when you see your own kids suffering from anxiety and stress.

We recently had Sissy Goff, amazing counselor, director of child and adolescent counseling at Daystar Counseling Ministries, and my go-to expert on anxiety, on our Coming Unglued podcast.

If you haven't listened, definitely check it out HERE.

She mentioned that normally many kids deal with anxiety, but now, virtually all kids are dealing with some sort of increased anxiety.

This is real, you see your child suffering. You want to fix it, and you're not alone. I know you want to help them, and you're not sure how, and I want to help.

So, I've put together a small, 8-week, online coaching group for moms of anxious kids, with some of my very favorite go-to tools to help our kids manage anxiety, starting March 31st.


They're tools that I wish I'd had when my kids were younger and a tangible step toward helping your child thrive. 

I've opened the registration HERE but feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

We're all having big feelings right now, but just because we have them, doesn't mean we need to be held captive by them. Our emotions don't have to hold us hostage, simply because we don't believe we have the tools to manage them.  It doesn't have to be this way. How is that you ask?

What you’ll learn inside this group coaching for moms will get to the root of what your kids need, in hopes of minimizing the need to invest time and resources into endless hours of therapy. 

I wish I'd understood these tools when my kids were young, but I didn't have them. That's why I'm bringing them to you now, so you can make a difference. And what better way to do it than with a small group of moms who want the best for their kids as well?

Here’s how the 8 weeks will break down:

Week 1: Introduction

Week 2: Helping Your Child Get Regulated

Week 3: Helping Your Child With Emotional Intelligence

Week 4: Helping Your Child Feel Secure

Week 5: Helping Your Child Navigate Conflict

Week 6: Helping Your Child Filter Thoughts Through Truth

Week 7: Helping Your Child Live Within Healthy Boundaries

Week 8: Course Wrap-Up

By the end of these 8 weeks, you’ll feel equipped to handle your child’s emotions, be able to navigate challenging conversations, and feel confident in your parenting skills. 

You don’t have to do this alone. 

The best part about group coaching is joining with other moms as you gain insight and wisdom from each other. We’re all learning as we go!

Our first LIVE session kicks off March 31st and we are keeping the group small, so reserve your spot HERE.

I see you, Moms.

Your kids mean everything to you, and you would do anything for them. But...they're struggling right now. They're feeling the effects of the last couple of years and their anxiety is impacting both of you. You feel anxious as you feel ill-equipped and helpless as you're not sure how to assist them.  That can lead you to feel burned out like you're running on fumes.

Join me inside Real Tools for Parenting Anxious Kids Group Coaching and let me help you and your child find tools to help! Instead of feeling powerless in their lives, we'll focus on strategies to help our kids thrive emotionally. 

You’re amazing. Start LIVING like it! 

Kim Anderson is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC-MHSP) and a Certified Life Professional Coach (CPLC) who loves helping others live their lives with passion and purpose. She lives with her husband and two teenagers outside of Nashville, in Franklin, Tennessee, where she loves seasons, rolling hills, and the warmth of the South. Follow Kim at, on Instagram @kim_anderson_life, and on FacebookKimAndersonLifeCoachingto learn more about what she offers.