How to Get Unstuck in 2021

Well you did it! Congratulations! You made it to the very end of 2020. It might have felt like it was going to take you down, but it didn’t. You’re still here! 

Can I get an amen?!

But even though you’re here, it doesn’t mean you aren’t feeling defeated, battered, and bruised by all that we’ve endured this year. 

You’re not alone. Our world is weary right now. And rightly so.

2020 knocked us off our feet and presented us with challenges no one could even fathom.

But 2021 can be different. Unfortunately, we’re not going to wake up on January 1st with life back to normal, but we can choose to start the year with purpose. We can choose to get clear about what we want to do with the choices we have. We can choose to not stay stuck where we are.

How to Get Unstuck in 2021

But…in order to get unstuck in 2021, we need to start the year with purpose. With intention.

As we start off the new year, these easy steps will help you curb stress:

1. Get Clear About What You Want

Getting clear about what you want is the most important step in the growth process. Our vision is the foundation to build on. Without a vision, we spin in circles, aimlessly following along as others dictate our time and agenda. 

2. Create A Plan

Yes, a plan - remember those things we used to be able to make before 2020 took over? Well, it time to pull those things back in action. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, fancy, or impressive. Your plan just has to move you forward, one step at a time. Sometimes your steps will be big, and sometimes they’ll be small. It’s okay! It just takes one step!

3. Take Action

Okay, taking action can be the hardest part. That plan you made…it does no good if we don’t execute them. If our best laid plans sit on the shelf we’ll remain exactly where we are. If starting is the hardest part for you, enlist the help of others to keep you accountable to your goals. We were never meant to do it alone. Remember, you can take teeny-tiny steps. Just take them.

I know you know all this, right? Sometimes it just takes a friend to help us see the forest through the trees. 

But the truth is, if you don’t know what you want, you certainly won’t follow through on your plan, or take action. You’ll continue to stay frustrated, dejected, and apathetic. You’ll stay stuck in self-doubt or fear of failure. 

You deserve to live life on purpose. Let me say that again, you deserve to live life on purpose.

“But I don’t know my purpose or what I want.” If this question strikes a nerve with you, don’t worry – I’ve got you covered. You’re not alone and you don’t have to stay in this confusion.

And what if I told you there was a way to move out of the stress and anxiety that 2020 brought us, and into a life feeling fulfilled and in control? 

This January, I’m launching my Get Unstuck program in an online course! Get Unstuck walks you through the steps of identifying who you are (your strengths and personality), what you want, and how to get there. The best part about Get Unstuck, is that you can do it on your time, at your pace, while still coming together with our Facebook community. Plus, I’ll be there with you every step of the way!

Stay tuned for exciting information to come! To make sure to join the waitlist!

Life is too short to stay stuck! 

What was your biggest insight?

Let me know in the comments below!

You are amazing! Start living like it!


Kim Anderson is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC-MHSP) and a Certified Life Professional Coach (CPLC) who loves helping others live their lives with passion and purpose. She lives with her husband and two teenagers outside of Nashville, in Franklin, Tennessee, where she loves seasons, rolling hills, and the warmth of the South. Follow Kim at, on Instagram @kim_anderson_life, and on FacebookKimAndersonLifeCoachingto learn more about what she offers.