3 Tips for Exhausted Moms

This post is for you, moms. You’ve been running all year long. You’ve been holding it all together. You’ve been giving to everyone else around you. You’re tired, and it makes so much sense. You have been carrying so much.

Maybe it feels just a little bit like this Christmas morning skit from SNL


Ironically, I’m hoping to get a robe this Christmas! ;) 

Seriously, though, we want to embrace joy during the holiday season, but it can be difficult to find. When we’re running on empty and giving to those we love, it’s easy to forget to stop and be present with ourselves.

3 Tips for Exhausted Moms

The truth is, we can all experience joy in the midst of exhaustion with these simple steps:

1. Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is the acknowledgement of goodness in our lives. When we focus on the positive relationships, experiences, and blessings around us, our mood naturally elevates. This year was rough, to say the least. But even in the midst of sadness, there is always something to be grateful for.

Our family was so disappointed by all that our senior in high school lost this year, in terms of traditions she would normally experience. There was a deep sadness about a year that looked different than she planned. But, there was also beauty. We had quality family time that we hadn’t had in years. We laughed at old movies, played family games, and bonded over puzzle competitions. We made memories that we never would have made in the crazy pace that graduation season brings.            

2. Let Go

You are the only you, and until we create a cloning machine, you can’t do it all. I’m giving you permission to decline events and commitments during this season (and bonus points if you continue to do so throughout the year). I’m also encouraging you to have realistic goals during this season.

It’s okay to disappoint people. We spend so much time trying to manage everyone else’s feelings and expectations, that we end up feeling anxious and resentful. Perhaps you feel tugged in different directions because your spouse’s family has different traditions. Maybe you’re a blended family, trying to work around multiple schedules. Or perhaps your family brings you more pain than comfort, and you dread going home. Regardless, it’s crucial to set clear boundaries, protecting what does and doesn’t work for your family this season.

3. Embrace Acceptance

For some of us, the holiday season is grueling as we are dealing with grief, loss, or trauma. Perhaps everything has changed, and this season feels foreign. Traditions can no longer be repeated. Maybe you have lost a loved one and being joyful feels unfathomable. That’s okay. Give yourself permission to grieve. Our emotions are here to guide us. Pay attention to them.

During this season, stay connected to those near you and those who comfort you. Be mindful of what you need. Sometimes we need to be alone to recharge, and other times we need to be with others who know our story. Take care of yourself. Let go of the way you think things “should” be and accept how they are. Our messy brokenness is an essential part of our story and it makes us beautiful.

This time of year doesn’t have to be stressful. If you need permission to take care of yourself, here it is. Don’t waste another second.

The best gift you can give your family is rest and self-care!

If you’d like to let go of exhaustion and start 2021 off with a clear vision and purpose for your life, jump on my waitlist to learn more about my upcoming group coaching opportunities HERE!

Life is too short to stay stuck! 

What was your biggest insight?

Let me know in the comments below!

You are amazing! Start living like it!


Kim Anderson is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC-MHSP) and a Certified Life Professional Coach (CPLC) who loves helping others live their lives with passion and purpose. She lives with her husband and two teenagers outside of Nashville, in Franklin, Tennessee, where she loves seasons, rolling hills, and the warmth of the South. Follow Kim at www.kimanderson.life, on Instagram @kim_anderson_life, and on FacebookKimAndersonLifeCoachingto learn more about what she offers.