3 Reminders to Stop Putting off Your Purpose

I can be the worst procrastinator. Truly. I know that sounds funny coming from a coach and counselor who helps others not to procrastinate. (Don’t look in the gardener’s garden, am I right?!). 

The truth is, sometimes I get overwhelmed with what I know I am called to do. The plans and dreams seem too big. I knew I was created to be a therapist, but for years, I put it off. I didn’t think I could do it. Going back to get my master’s degree felt overwhelming. During that season, my husband was often deployed with the military and I was raising two little ones. The time never seemed right, and even though I felt it was clear, the challenge felt like too much.

And now I’ve been doing this for years, I have written a book, created courses to help women, and I’m of reaching a wider audience. I have known for years that I should rise up and share more. I know, again, I am called to impact others. I know I am meant to call out the lies and stories we tell ourselves so that we can be all we were created to be. But this mission feels scary, too. And, as an extrovert, it takes some serious discipline to sit down alone and do the writing that will accomplish this task. 

Just now, as I was writing this paragraph, I received a call from a friend. She asked if I wanted to meet her for dinner. Yes! I want to! No. I can’t. But it would be so much fun! But then I would be procrastinating. I have blocked time to write and get things done…boy oh boy, the struggle to protect that time is real. Can you relate?

How to Increase Your Impact in the World

We are created to do amazing things. We are created to shine. We are created to do amazing things. We are created to shine. All it takes is one step forward. We can be who we are meant to be when we acknowledge these three truths:

Reason 1: There is Never A Perfect Time

There just isn’t. The circumstances are never “just right.” Our schedules will never be empty enough, the house never clean enough, and our lives never hassle-free enough. We just have to do it anyway. We have to say no to some things (even fun events with friends) so that we can say yes to the most important things—the things that help us finish our long-term goals.

Reason 2: There Will Always Be Some Sort of Fear

Fear always shows up. If it doesn’t for you, consider yourself lucky. In this moment, my fear sounds like this: What if they don’t like what I write? What if I miscommunicate my message? What if I embarrass myself?The “what ifs” seep in, and we don’t even realize it until they’ve made themselves at home. Focus on this what if instead: What if I miss the opportunity to impact others because I never stepped out? That is the what if that keeps me going.

Reason 3: There Is A Reason We Need to Get it Done

We have dreams. We have goals. We have desires. We must lean in and create the room required to let them unfold. The world needs you. It needs your voice, your impact, and your story. With all of the noise in today’s world, you must fight to make your voice heard. 

Step out. Face your fear. Stare lies in the face and press on. You are brave, and you are courageous. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you are called to do and make your mark today. 

You are amazing! Now start living like it!


Kim Anderson is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC-MHSP) and a Certified Life Professional Coach (CPLC) who loves helping others live their lives with passion and purpose. She lives with her husband and two teenagers outside of Nashville, in Franklin, Tennessee, where she loves seasons, rolling hills, and the warmth of the South. Follow Kim at www.kimanderson.life, on Instagram @kim_anderson_life, and on FacebookKimAndersonLifeCoachingto learn more about what she offers.